Recognized as a leading, independent, non-sectarian, co-educational Pre-K through Grade 12 award-winning school, Harrisburg Academy ushers visionary graduates into our local and global communities. In keeping with that mission, the Academy will offer academic scholarships to three Ukrainian high school students displaced from their homes because of the crisis in Ukraine.
Working with pastors at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Camp Hill and the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), the Academy will identify Ukrainian students and families eligible for this academic opportunity across the region. Harrisburg Academy may be contacted by community organizations or families. The International Baccalaureate Program (IB) diploma is recognized in Ukraine and throughout the world as a high academic standard for admission to college or university. If these students and their families should return to Ukraine in the future, IB curriculum studies will transfer.
In addition, Harrisburg Academy teams up with Mission Central in Mechanicsburg, Pa. on March 23 to sponsor a “Denim Day” fundraiser. Academy administrators, faculty, staff, students, and families will pledge at least $1 each to support humanitarian relief efforts for Ukraine and donate urgently needed supplies for Ukrainians in the war-torn region. Items to be collected that day and donated through Mission Central include:
- Hand and foot warmers
- Pillar candles (no glass)
- Small first-aid kits
- Feminine hygiene products
- Wrapped bars of soap
- Flashlights with batteries attached (not inside)
- Band-Aids, gauze rolls and pads, adhesive and non-adhesive dressings, wound treatments
- Alcohol swabs/pads
- Personal hygiene items (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush)
- Baby food (plastic containers)
- Blankets
“The humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian people are overwhelming as they undergo this horrific siege of their country. It is imperative that we answer the call of responsible global citizenship by offering our resources to help alleviate some of their suffering,” said Adrian Allan, head of Harrisburg Academy. “As an IB World School, the Academy fosters shared responsibility in our students to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive world where each member of the society can live in peace and thrive. This moment in history provides a real-world opportunity for our community to step forward with humanitarian leadership.”
Members of the community are welcome to join Harrisburg Academy’s efforts by donating supplies on March 23 at Mission Central, 5 Pleasant View Drive, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Harrisburg Academy’s Mission
Harrisburg Academy offers an academically challenging, inclusive and globally minded interdisciplinary education. In our commitment to excellence, we provide tools, develop character, and teach skills that prepare students to thrive in college and beyond, thereby contributing to the betterment of our global and local communities.