Focus on Real Milk’s Positive Impact on Nutrition, Families and Rural Communities PA Dairy contributes nearly $15 billion to PA’s economy.
HARRISBURG, PA. – Highlighting the economic vitality and nutritional benefits of Pennsylvania milk, state dairy leaders and farmers today launched a new series of statewide public service announcements (PSAs) and billboards that encourage Pennsylvanians to enjoy the tremendous health benefits of consuming real dairy milk and support the state’s 6,500 dairy farm families. The PSA campaign includes two 30-second television ads and one radio spot to be broadcast through the Non-Commercial Sustaining Announcement Public Education Program of the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters (PAB). Dairy industry leaders have also teamed up with Lamar Advertising on a billboard campaign.
The PSAs and billboards direct consumers to a website launched last week, www.ChoosePADairy, that lists places to purchase PA milk and PA Preferred® brands, as well as offers a wealth of information on the nutritional benefits of real dairy milk. The website also includes the positive economic impact of PA dairy farming on rural communities across the commonwealth. The Center for Dairy Excellence, PA Dairymen’s Association, American Dairy Association North East, Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania, PA Dairy Princesses Program, PA Department of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and the Lebanon County Dairy Promotion Program support the PSA effort.
“We are proud to share with Pennsylvanians the powerful message that consuming PA milk helps build strong bodies and healthier communities,” said Jayne Sebright, executive director of the Center for Dairy Excellence. “Our broadcast PSA and billboard campaign reinforces the fact that real milk packs a powerful punch. It’s a virtually unrivaled natural source of protein and dairy farming grows jobs in the commonwealth. Every one cow supports 10 jobs and overall, dairy farming accounts for more than 52,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. And, by choosing delicious milk with the PA Preferred® label or Code 42 on it, you can be assured, it was produced or processed in our great agricultural state.”
“We’re thrilled to join with Pennsylvania’s dairy farmers and industry leaders to promote the great benefits of milk consumption and to inform Pennsylvanians of how to access fresh, local milk,” noted Carter Wyckoff, vice president of the PAB. “These spots will air on approximately 30 television outlets and more than 180 radio stations across the state from May 28 through June 30. It’s a compelling way for the dairy farmers to reach a mass audience of milk consumers and a powerful tool for engagement by nonprofits in Pennsylvania.”
The broadcast and billboard outreach kicks off Pennsylvania’s celebration of June as Dairy Month. A full schedule of June dairy-related events in Pennsylvania, including the official kick-off event, “Farm Show in June,” on June 5 at the State Capitol, can be found at www.ChoosePADairy.com.
Milk is the top source of calcium, vitamin D, and potassium in Americans’ diets. Farm fresh, real dairy milk is naturally nutrient rich — which is difficult to match in most non-dairy milk alternatives. Milk’s complete package of natural nutrition is backed by decades of research demonstrating milk’s role in building strong muscles, a healthier immune system, stronger bones, and an overall healthier body.
Pennsylvania is home to 6,500 dairy farm families, many of them are generational businesses supplying fresh, wholesome milk daily to the marketplace. Milk from these dairy farms can be found locally and in products sold worldwide. It is made into butter, ice cream, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products or into dairy ingredients that are used in products like chocolate, snack foods, and baked goods made here in Pennsylvania. The state has the second largest number of dairy farms nationally, having more dairy farms than every other state except Wisconsin.
Our dairy industry is a powerhouse for job growth. Pennsylvania’s dairy farm families are the backbone of many rural communities, supporting good-paying jobs, and generating valuable economic revenue.
- Every ten cows support one job somewhere in the Commonwealth.
- Every one cow generates more than $24,000 in annual state economic revenue through direct and indirect sources.
- Pennsylvania’s dairy-related enterprises support more than 52,000 jobs across the Commonwealth.
- PA Dairy generates $14.7 billion in annual economic revenue for Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Dairy Study released in 2017.
- Pennsylvania has the second largest number of dairy farms in the country, only behind Wisconsin.
For more information, visit www.ChoosePADairy.com and follow all of the dairy partners on social media.
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