Renewal by Andersen of Central PA is proud to again sponsor PA Dairymen’s Military Appreciation Day festivities with FREE milkshakes given to active military and veterans to thank them at the 2025 PA Farm Show on Thursday, January 9th from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Veterans and current service members are encouraged to show military ID.
“We are excited to again team up with our friends at Renewal by Andersen of Central PA to salute our service men and women on Military Appreciation Day with FREE milkshakes. We love spreading milkshake smiles and our gratitude with FREE milkshakes to our veterans and active military for their bravery and sacrifice to this country. We are blessed to have amazing support from generous businesses like Renewal by Andersen who are making a major difference in communities throughout Central PA. We are eager to greet our military friends, veterans and all our milkshake and Farm Show fans,” said Dave Smith, Executive Director of the PA Dairymen’s Association.
“All of us at Renewal by Andersen are extremely proud to acknowledge our active military and veterans every chance we get. On Military Appreciation Day, we love teaming up with PA Dairymen to offer their famous, delicious milkshakes to all who serve or have served. We witnessed so many big smiles last year and are excited to participate in this special day once again because Renewal Cares,” said Linda Johnston, Chief Culture Officer, Renewal by Andersen of Central PA.
RbA President Joe Zisman added, “These brave men and women deserve our gratitude and any special recognition we can offer to express how indebted we are for all they have done and continue to do to protect us, our freedoms and our country. Our team is proud to support this wonderful, fun day filled with spreading joy throughout the PA Farm Show.”
WHO: PA Dairymen’s Association and Renewal by Andersen of Central PA (RbA)
WHAT: FREE Milkshakes for Active-Duty Military/Veterans on Military Appreciation Day, PA Farm Show
WHEN: Thursday, January 9th, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
WHERE: PA Dairymen’s Milkshake Booths, PA Farm Show, 2300 Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA
In addition, Farm Show attendees can choose either the NEW limited edition, MINT flavored milkshake or enjoy the traditional fan-favorites vanilla, chocolate or a mix.
Renewal by Andersen will also be volunteering at PA Dairymen’s Milkshake, Grilled Cheese & Cheese Cube Food Booths on January 6 and 9.